
8 Hot Lessons About Women Recently


We have always criticized the female folks without trying to know the root of the problem. Here are some 8 Lesson I wish we guys know about girls. Read on and be Wiser in dealing with them.

#1. If she flinches when you try to put your arm around her…someone else’s hands once wasn’t too sweet.
#2. If she's full of questions, someone else lied to her in the past. Be patient with her.
#3. If she's secretive and doesn’t tell you things outright, someone else once betrayed her trust. Prove to her you wont do the same.
#4. If she suspects every move you make, someone else wasn't transparent with her. Be different. Be transparent with her.

#5. If she's cold, distant and hostile with people she's just meeting and even sometimes with you, chances are someone ABUSED her in the past. She's a victim of abuse like RAPE. She's still hurting.
#6. If she’s clingy and possessive, someone once hurt and dumped her. She's scared of being abandoned again. Assure her of your love.
#7. If she's playing hard to get, someone in her past once treated her like a doormat. She just want to be sure you are real.
#8. If she's sneaks and wants to know all about you, someone wasn't straight with her. Assure her you are different. Talk to her.
LESSON GUYS: Behind every difficult and complicated girl who Is scared to love freely is a girl who's is tired of being hurt and broken. Be patient with her.

photo credit: HOKOF

Credit: Agubushmenyo's 

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