
Trailing ISIS, Boko Haram to Tel Aviv, by Gordon Duff

                             shekau isis
                                    ISIS leader al-Baghdadi allegedly the face in the background left side

Since 2011, Israeli planes and helicopters have flown over a hundred verified sorties against the Syrian army and its allies, direct combat support for ISIS/ISIL units operating inside Syrian territory. Such missions would be impossible without forward air controllers on the ground inside Syria, Israeli operatives with ISIS.

Similarly, Israeli mobile artillery in Syrian territory occupied after the 1973 War has stretched a protective umbrella well into Syria in support of ISIS units. Sources within the UNTSO (United Nations Treaty Supervision Organization) operating with advanced radars inside the DMZ (De-militarized Zone) indicate that hundreds of violations have been observed but not reported.

More recently something curious has come to light. Israel has long worked to dominate social media and other internet outlets including Wikipedia. US aid dollars are used to subsidize classes for unemployed housewives, numbering in the hundreds, who “troll” chat rooms, publish smears on Wikipedia and now, after breaking through endless shifting IP addresses, ISIS announcements and threats originate in Israel as well, from the same group.

Recent threats against United States Marines and their families come from the same sources beheading videos originate, also the same sources so many “phony bin Laden” audio tapes and bizarre photographs came from as well. The infamous “Bin Laden Studios” in Tel Aviv is also “ISIS Productions” as well.

Rita Katz of SITE Intelligence, source for much of the fabricated intelligence used by the Bush and Blair administrations to justify the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan after the demolition of the World Trade Center in 2001, now “finds” ISIS material as well. She finds it; a dozen American intelligence agencies including the NSA and CIA lack the skills and equipment of a Brooklyn housewife.

It Gets Worse, So Much Worse

At the beginning of the US air campaign against ISIS, the US Air Force destroyed all potential fuel facilities ISIS could use including Syrian facilities they were afraid might be taken. There are in fact no facilities that produce gasoline or diesel for the thousands of vehicles ISIS uses.

There is no source of fuel for the buses ISIS operates in Mosul, no fuel for their tanks or earth moving equipment, so vital to building their defenses.

Fuel for ISIS has long come from Turkey, supplying ISIS and Al Nusra fighters, the ones who met with Senator John McCain, operating around Aleppo.

SEE: NewsRescue-John McCain Admits (On Video) He Meets ISIS, Says “We Know These People Intimately” (Sept 16, 2014)

mccain isis

The rest of the fuel used by ISIS follows the same routes that brought the heavy weapons into both Syria and Iraq, the endless stream of professionally modified Toyota pickup trucks. That route originates in Israel and crosses Jordan and operates under an air umbrella supplied not only by the IAF but Jordanian Air Force as well.

Long ago, it was established that the now tens of thousands of Jihadists flocking into Mosul have transited Turkey and Israel. Last week two girls from the EU were intercepted inside Turkey, heading for Mosul. That same week, however, nearly 1000 fighters transited Israel and Jordan and none were intercepted. Most were flown from Libya using the same planes that CIA rendition services used for moving torture victims to and from black site prisons, planes often laden with Afghan heroin as well.

These planes still carry drugs but now they have other cargo as well including stolen antiquities and refugees captured for organ harvesting or to be trafficked.


Last week, a delegation from the Palermo based International Parliament, including former Iraqi Prime Minster Maliki, was threatened. They have been investigating war crimes committed against the Iraqi and Syrian people, an investigation leading not only into Turkey and the EU but into Israel as well.

Wikipedia has sought to smear the Parliament and its members through what by its own standards is considered an outrageous article. Tracing the authorship of the Wikipedia “editor” involved also led to the source of the death threats as well, IP addresses operating from Haifa, Israel.

The same bank of IP address is also the root source for endless “sockpuppet” pro-Israeli “trolls” and nearly a dozen new “alternative news” sites, some tied to the InfoWars group, believed to be an Israeli intelligence front tied to the Canadian based Bronfman Cartel.

       2500 mostly Muslims killed in 1stw eek of January 2015 by Boko Haram/ISIS in Nigeria's northeast and the world did not react: Amnesty international Satellite images of Baga attack, January 2015

 2500 mostly Muslims killed in 1st week of January 2015 by Boko Haram/ISIS in Nigeria’s northeast and the world did not react: Amnesty international Satellite images of Baga attack, January 2015

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