Jide Ojo
Saturday, August 10, the Special Assistant on Media and Communication
to the Minister of Power, Ms. Kande Daniel, issued a press statement on
behalf of her boss to the effect that the total amount of electricity
generated in Nigeria as of 6am on that day was 2,628.6 megawatts. This
indicates a sharp drop from the peak of 4,517.6MW generated power as of
December 23, 2012. The drop in generated electricity, according to the
Minister of Power, Prof. Chinedu Nebo, is as a result of severe leaks in
the supply of gas to some strategic power plants across the country.
These leakages were ascribed to the activities of pipeline vandals. The
minister went further to state that low head water elevation was also
limiting generation at Kainji and Jebba hydro stations to one unit each.
I am not ignorant of the various reform
measures going on in the power sector but the annoying thing is the lack
of sustainable progress in power generation, transmission and
distribution. These three are still fraught with a lot of challenges.
Not only has the power generation dipped due to the aforementioned
problems, the transmission lines themselves are weak and cannot transmit
the generated power. By far the most problematic aspect of the entire
power reform exercise is the distribution companies which market the
power transmitted.
Initially, the Nigerian Electricity
Regulatory Commission told all who cared to listen that pre-paid meters
would be given out “free of charge” to electricity consumers while the
cost of that would be deducted from the customers every month. Later,
due to scarcity (artificial and natural), NERC later came up with the
Credited Advance Payment for Metering Implementation Scheme under which
it, on May 14, 2013, registered 61 vendors and installers. According to
NERC’s website, the “CAPMI was a response by the regulator to address
the lingering issue of non-issuance of meters by the electricity
companies. CAPMI allows for any interested and willing customer to
advance money to their electricity distribution company and in return
will be given electricity credit until the cost of the meter has been
recovered by the customer.”
My inquiry from a couple of these
registered vendors shows that the cost of a single phase meter is
N25,000 and a three phase meter N50,000. However, an employee of the
Power Holding Company of Nigeria has been asking me for between N37,000
and N40,000 for a single phase pre-paid meter. One vendor I spoke with
said his company does not sell directly to individuals but to a utility
company, which is the PHCN, which now sells to individual members of the
public. Now, one is at the mercy of corrupt PHCN officials who
deliberately make these meters scarce and try to force the old analogue
meters on electricity consumers.
The greatest challenge is that with the
scarcity of pre-paid meters which would have ensured that electricity
consumers pay for only what they consume, the PHCN marketers, due to a
revenue target given to them, indulge in issuing estimative bills better
known as “crazy bills” to hapless consumers still using the analogue
meters. Even in areas where electricity cables have turned to clothing
lines and electricity transformers are mere relics due to unavailability
of light, exorbitant bills are still being given to consumers. What can
be more exploitative?
The NERC, according to information on
its website, said, “It can be recalled that in 2011, a N2.9bn metering
intervention fund was made available to the companies with a view to
closing the unacceptable metering gap. One year after, no appreciable
progress was made by the companies, and this compelled the NERC to
demand performance reports from the DISCOs. Eight of the 12 DISCOs
submitted reports that fell far short of the requirements of the NERC.
The rest did not submit any report of how they spent the money.”
In a letter dated July 19, 2013, the
NERC issued a 14-day ultimatum to electricity distribution companies
that are in violation of its order to submit a list of all customers who
paid for meters since January 2011, and commence metering them with
immediate effect. The commission expressed its utter dismay that all
DISCOs have been in complete violation of the order as it relates to
customers who have made payments within the given time frame, and have
not been identified for immediate metering.
According to NERC Chairman/CEO, Dr. Sam
Amadi, “Any DISCO that does not comply with this new directive will be
barred from collecting the new electricity tariff.” In addition, NERC
threatened that failure to comply with the 14-day ultimatum could make
it institute enforcement procedures that may result in the removal of
the Chief Executive Officer of any defaulting electricity distribution
company. This ultimatum has elapsed, it remains to be seen if the NERC
will wield the big stick on the erring DISCOS who currently operate with
impunity; reaping where they did not sow and frittering away the
nation’s resources; a whopping N2.9bn metering intervention fund.
Curiously, while the issue of metering
remains largely unresolved, the Multi-Year Tariff Order for this year
came into effect on June 1, thereby activating another increase in
electricity tariff. The regulatory agency said, “In 2012, the NERC
published the MYTO – a tariff plan that sets both wholesale and retail
tariffs for the industry over a five-year period. This means that
tariffs have already been set for every year starting from 2012 through
to 2016. Effective June 1 of every year, a new tariff is to take
effect.” In essence, whether there is electricity supplied or not, from
2012 to 2016, hapless Nigerian consumers will continue to pay more for
electricity or darkness depending on the situation. This is the height
of mistreatment! The NERC may have set the MYTO to ensure that there is
private sector attraction to invest in the power sector (cost recovery)
but this should have been tied to improved productivity and
accessibility of power to electricity consumers.
The consequence of deplorable public
electricity is here with us. Nigeria has been tagged the country with
the highest consumption of generators in Africa, nay the world. The
import of this is that the much needed foreign exchange is spent
importing these contraptions since they are not locally manufactured.
The need for private generators has also caused considerable increase in
the cost of doing business in Nigeria. There is an associated health
hazard with this due to the noise and wider environmental pollution that
these generators cause. Carbon dioxide fumes emitted from these
generators have also caused many deaths to persons and families that do
not know how to use them. The pollution from the generator emissions has
also been contributing to ozone layer depletion and concomitantly,
climate change. Should we continue this way, our attainment of 2015
Millennium Development Goals and Vision 20:2020 will be a mirage.
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